With Prominent Scientific Private Limited

Be a part of Prominent Scientific Private Limited!
Build your career path.
If you are keen to learn and make a difference in Tech & Design, come and work with us! We are looking for next-generation innovators and skillful professionals from the Design & Development domain.

UX/UI Designer
UI/UX Designer
Profile : UX/UI Designer Exp : 1-5 years
Node JS Developer
Node JS Developer
Profile : Node JS Developer Exp : 1-5 years
Android Developer
Android Developer
Profile : Android Developer Exp : 1-5 years
iOS Developer
iOS Developer
Profile : iOS Developer Exp : 1-5 years
PHP Developer
PHP Developer
Profile : PHP Developer Exp : 1-5 years
PHP Developer
Angular Developer
Profile : Angular Developer Exp : 1-5 years
Java Developer
Java Developer
Profile : Java Developer Exp : 1-5 years
dot net Developer
Dot Net Developer
Profile : Dot Net Developer Exp : 1-5 years
Outsystems Developer
OutSystems Developer
Profile : OutSystems Developer Exp : 1-5 years
our team

If you really want to love doing something, you would do it on a Sunday!
Prominent Scientific Private Limited is a place of very motivated and thought driven people. Our values are the core of who we are. We are a passionate team that loves what we do – Engineering and Developing Products that help serve people. Our three core values are Integrity, Passion & Accountability. We are Prominent Scientific Private Limited. We believe our week has Seven Sundays!!!

  • 5 days' work week
  • Employee First
  • Advance Resources
  • Positive Environment
  • Ground breaking projects
  • Open discussions
  • Rewards & Benefits
  • Fun connectivity
  • Onsite Opportunities
  • Referral Program
  • Learning sessions

Come and join us! And be a part of most happening team around!

Trusted by Fortune 500s to Silicon Valley Startups.

Let us solve your query!